AYS Unit 1:

The Macrocosm & Microcosm of Ayurveda & Yoga



Total Hours

-For Personal Practitioners (non-certification) — none

-For Certification-Seekers – 200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher (or currently enrolled in a YA accredited program)

-20 Classroom Hours

-10 Independent Study Hours


Course Overview

Unit one of the Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist Program is the introduction to ayurveda, the ancient science of life. One of the oldest medical sciences in the world, ayurveda is rich with simple methods to restore your health. This session is for anyone interested in learning about the foundations of ayurveda, how ayurveda is related to yoga philosophy and practice, and how it can make you feel more at home within yourself. You will begin learning the basics of creating sustainable daily practices that support the balance of an individual’s constitution—the physical body, mental body, and sense of purpose. Yoga teachers and practitioners alike will discover how to work with asana, pranayama, relaxation, and meditation practices to support balance and overall well-being from an ayurvedic perspective.

Using interactive group work, lecture, and time for practice, you will:

  • Learn more about the philosophical and spiritual foundations of ayurveda

  • Discover how yoga and ayurveda support and complement each other

  • Become more familiar with the tri-doshic theory of ayurveda (vatapittakapha)

  • Know the difference between prakriti (unique elemental nature) and vikriti (current state of imbalance)

  • Begin to understand how to use the yogic practices of asana, pranayama, relaxation, and meditation to move toward greater wellness and balance

  • Identify how your personal yoga practice supports your health and overall sense of well-being as you move through the different seasons of life

  • Be able to practically implement ayurvedic and yogic concepts into daily routine, diet, and lifestyle management plans for clients and students, or for personal use


Homework For This Module

  • Create your own dinacharya – 30-40 day practice of daily Ayurvedic routines

  • 10 Open-ended questions designed to help you integrate the material and prepare for AYS 2

  • Outline chapters in books (Books titles to be sent with course materials)

  • Designing yoga classes for pacification of the doshas