Becoming An Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist
An Ayurveda Yoga Specialist certification will open new doors and revenue streams in your yoga teaching and healing practice by laying the groundwork for you to support individuals in managing their lifestyles for optimum health. Because Ayurveda has so many avenues for kick-starting the healing process, you will have a number of tools (in addition to asana) to support your clients in creating optimal health.
The Ayurveda Yoga Specialist, Torchbearer and Graduate School training programs, are certified through the 5000 year tradition from the Himalayan Institute and National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA).
The AYS program is a NAMA-approved 120 hour course that provides yoga teachers with a complete Ayurvedic tool-kit. Upon successful completion of the 4 AYS modules, you will be certified in providing Ayurveda counseling and lifestyle enhancements to your students and individual clients.
This is the only ayurvedic training program that requires a 200-hour yoga certification from an accredited yoga school to receive Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist Certification, ensuring our graduates understand a deeper knowledge of yoga. All dedicated yoga students and teachers are invited to take this training, and a letter of completion will be provided for those who do not wish to pursue a 200-hour yoga teacher certification.
Suggested Reading: Textbook of Ayurveda, Volume 1: Fundamental Principles, by Dr. Vasant Lad; Yoga & Ayurveda: Self-Healing and Self-Realization, by David Frawley
This training is the foundation for our advanced ayurvedic training programs of Ayurvedic Health Counselor and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist, and must be completed before moving on to the next level. Sessions 1 to 3 can be taken as independent workshops and must be completed before registering for Unit 4. Unit 2 may be taken as an online course or in person only at the Himalayan Institute. All four sessions are required for certification.
This year, AYS will be taught as a hybrid of both on-demand and live classes. View the dates below!
Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist training program topics include:
How prana (life force) and ojas (deep vitality) can be cultivated to regulate and support agni (digestive fire) for optimal health
A deeper knowledge of doshas (constitutions), gunas (psychological tendencies), vayus (winds or movement of prana), and koshas(sheaths)
How to teach asana and pranayama to kindle agni and circulate prana for optimal energy management
The alchemy of yoga and ayurveda
Diet and lifestyle adjustments for daily, seasonal, and stage-of-life changes
How to identify and address vikriti (constitutional imbalances) using asana, pranayama, deep relaxation, and meditation